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A Southlake toy-maker just announced the recall of about 122,000 units of Rock ‘N Ride plush rockers because the product could potentially injure young children. The company has received 35 reports of the rocker tipping over, with 10 such incidents resulting in injuries like bumps, bruised and lacerations. The culprint? A faulty plastic base that could make the rockers unstable.

The eight different recalled models of the rocker, made by Chinese manufacturer Tek Nek Toys International L.P., include the brown pony, pink pony, pink unicorn, deluxe pony, deluxe bull, lil’ penguin, lil’ propeller plane and Clifford big red rocker designs with date codes from July 26 through December 29, 2007 (printed on a sticker in the battery compartment). These rockers, sold at Wal-Mart, Toys ‘R’ Us, K-Mart, Target, Atwoods, and Pamida stores, as well as through the Internet, should be immediately removed from the reach of young children. Tek Nek Toys will provide a free replacement base upon contact. ( )

There has been a slew of issues with dangerous and faulty toy products lately. If you or your child has been injured by a defective product, contact a lawyer with experience in product liability law to discuss your legal options.

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